方秀蓉/Patsy Fang Chen,

175 Willoughby Street, #2A Brooklyn, New York 11201-5447

Tel. 718-834-8904 CP 917-912-8288 E-mail: patsychen@aol.com




皇后交響樂團 “ 美洲經典音樂之夜“   新聞稿

(Queens Symphony Orchestra Presents “Music of the Americas ”)

皇后交響樂團(Queens Symphony Orchestra) 本季 (2007-08) 邁入第五十五年, 為紐約市皇后區惟一職業交響樂團, 將於十月二十日 (週六) 晚間七時三十分, 假貝賽皇后社區學院藝術表演中心 (Queensborough Community College Performing Arts Center 地址: 222-05 56th Avenue & Springfield Blvd., Bayside, NY.) 推出該樂團 2007-08 年度 ”名曲系列(The Masterworks Concert Series)”之 首場, 演出南, 北美洲作曲家名曲的 “ 美洲經典音樂之夜“大型交響樂演奏會.  


將由該樂團去年新上任之音樂總監 康斯坦丁 柯蘇普樂斯(Constantine Kitsopoulos指揮. 曲目包括:

1.               杜克艾靈頓 :“哈林區” (Duke Ellington: Harlem),  美國作曲家杜克艾靈頓是爵士音樂史最傑出的人物. 一位偉大的鋼琴家, 樂團領導者作曲家.

2.               蓋希文:一個美國人在巴黎  交響詩 (George Gershwin: An American in Paris) 紐約市出生之美國爵士與古典音樂作曲家蓋希文1928年曾在巴黎小住一段時日,「一個美國人在巴黎」就是他返回紐約後,所寫下的巴黎印象, 樂曲配器還使用了薩克斯風和計程車喇叭。

3.               希拿斯特拉: “拉丁美洲的牧場” 芭蕾舞曲 (Alberto Ginastera: Estancia) ,具南美風情的阿根廷作曲家希拿斯特拉20世紀南美重要作曲家 .

4.               卡洛斯福郎澤帝鋼琴協奏曲第二號美國首演  (Carlos Franzetti: Piano Concerto No. 2  - US Premiere ) 由其夫人鋼琴艾麗森福郎澤帝 Allison Brewster Franzetti 擔任獨奏者.


 出生於阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires之美籍阿根廷裔現代作曲家卡洛斯福郎澤帝,  赴墨西哥與Humberto Hernandez 學作曲, 並至紐約茱麗亞音樂學院 (The Juilliard School) Vincent LaSelva .習指揮. 其歌劇“Corpus Evita(貝隆夫人專集) 曾獲2005年葛萊美獎(Grammy awards)最佳現代古典音樂創作提名. 卡洛斯福郎澤帝(Carlos Franzetti ) 琴家, 指揮家和作曲家¸其作品曾由 Buenos Aires  Philharmonic, Janacek Philharmonic, San Francisco Camerata  等交響樂團演出及灌製唱碟.


多次獲得葛萊美(Grammy awards) 提名之鋼琴艾麗森福郎澤帝Allison Brewster Franzetti出生於美國. 就讀曼哈頓音樂學院, 茱麗亞音樂學院並獲其學位. 曾經得過之獎項包括:Paderewski Foundation, Kosciuszko Foundation, Starr Foundation, 以及丹佛交響樂團 Denver symphony Orchestra).

與其合作過的名音樂家包括“ 橫笛家Sir James Galway, 作曲家 John Corigliano, Stephen Paulus, Lowell Lieberman.


 希臘裔美籍指揮家柯蘇普樂斯(Constantine Kitsopoulos是皇后交響樂團  2004年起, 開始選拔其新任音樂總監,   特組甄選委員會, 由一百多位候選人當中脫穎而出, 他是歷經55 年的皇后交響樂團之第三位指揮兼音樂總監.   精通歌劇, 百老匯.和古典 , 目前擔任百老匯新劇

”A Catered Affair” 之音樂總監.  網址www.kitsopoulos.com/


此音樂會將於現場舉行幸運聽眾摸彩,獲獎者將贏得由 1-800 Mattress捐贈的席依麗名豪華床墊( Sealy Baltico Plush Set).


演出前一小時將提供30分鐘之 音樂會前講座會(Pre-concert lecture), 由當天的 指揮 (Constantine Kitsopoulos), 樂師, 作曲家及鋼琴家(The Franzettis) 參與講解及回答問題. 購買套票者(subscribers)  免費,   持單場門票者僅另收$5.


票價:成人$25  $20,  年長者與學生$18.50, 十二歲以下兒童$10, 團體票十位以上八折優待.


購票請洽:皇后交響樂團 718-326-4455 Ex 20 www.queenssymphony.org,  

亞裔理事方秀蓉:718-834-8904 e-mail: patsychen@aol.com










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Kate Oberjat                                                                            718-326-4455, ext. 19

Marketing & Communications Manager                   koberjat@queenssymphony.org


September 2007

F O R     I M M E D I A T E    R E L E A S E


Queens Symphony Orchestra


Music of the Americas

part of the Masterworks Concert Series


Constantine Kitsopoulos, Music Director/Conductor

Allison Brewster Franzetti, Pianist

Carlos Franzetti, Composer


Saturday, October 20, 2007 at 7:30 pm

New! Pre-Concert Lecture Series at 6:30 pm

Queensborough Community College Performing Arts Center

(56th Avenue & Springfield Blvd., Bayside)


Celebrate the rich musical heritage of the Americas - North and South. Join Queens Symphony Orchestra and Maestro Constantine Kitsopoulos on Saturday, October 20, 2007 at 7:30 pm for their first Masterworks Concert of the season, Music of the Americas. Held at our artistic home, Queensborough Community College Performing Arts Center in Bayside, the evening will include some of North America’s most cherished compositions, including Harlem by Duke Ellington and An American in Paris by George Gershwin. Experience the work Dances from the Ballet “Estancia” by Alberto Ginastera; widely regarded as one of the most important and original South American composers of the 20th century. Adding to the excitement of the evening, QSO will feature a U.S. Premiere, Piano Concerto #2, by Argentinean composer Carlos Franzetti, performed by his wife, pianist Allison Brewster Franzetti.


QSO also invites you to attend the first ever of our Pre-Concert Lecture Series at 6:30 pm. Maestro Kitsopoulos will have an informative talk about the evening’s program for 30 minutes prior to the event. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet and ask questions of members of the orchestra, our guest artist, pianist Allison Brewster Franzetti and guest composer, Carlos Franzetti. Subscribers receive this series for free, but any ticket buyer may attend for only $5!






Pg. 2    QSO’s Music of the Americas


As an added bonus, each full price ticket buyer is entered in a raffle that evening to win the Sealy Baltico Plush Set courtesy of 1800Mattress.com. This luxurious, plush mattress is made by the #1 manufacturer of bedding in the world – Sealy. With its three- part Comfort Support System, this new design sets the standard for supportive sleep and long lasting comfort. This prize is sure to give anyone a great night’s sleep! (winner to be chosen & announced at concert – must be present to win)


Argentine-American composer Carlos Franzetti has developed an extensive career as composer, conductor and pianist. Mr. Franzetti studied at the National Conservatory in Buenos Aires and went on to pursue composition in Mexico with Humberto Hernandez and conducting at the Juilliard School with Vincent LaSelva. He then received the Konex, Pro Musica and Trofeu Laus Awards. His opera, Corpus Evita, earned him a GRAMMY nominee for best contemporary classical composition in 2005. Carlos Franzetti’s works have been performed and recorded with orchestras including the Buenos Aires Philharmonic, Janacek Philharmonic, and San Francisco Camerata.


A multiple GRAMMY nominee, pianist Allison Brewster Franzetti has received international acclaim from critics and audiences alike for her stunning virtuosity and musicality. Born in New York City, she earned her degrees at Manhattan School of Music and the Juilliard School. She went on to win awards from the Paderewski Foundation, Kosciuszko Foundation, Starr Foundation and the Denver Symphony Orchestra. An accomplished accompanist and chamber musician, Mrs. Franzetti has collaborated with performers and composers such as Sir James Galway, John Corigliano, Stephen Paulus, and Lowell Lieberman. She has performed at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, festivals in the United States, Mexico and Europe, and on radio and television.


Maestro Constantine Kitsopoulos, in his second season as QSO Music Director, is only the third Music Director in the Queens Symphony’s 55-year history. Maestro Kitsopoulos has had an illustrious career in opera, Broadway, and classical as both conductor and Music Director. He is currently Music Director for the Broadway-bound new musical A Catered Affair, starring Harvey Fierstein. QSO is delighted to have him at the baton. For additional information on our new Music Director, please visit his website at www.kitsopoulos.com.


Now in its 55th season as the only professional orchestra in Queens, QSO continues its mission of bringing the best in classical, chamber, pops, and arts-in-education to the residents of this international borough.  For further information about QSO and its programs, please visit www.queenssymphony.org.


Ticket prices: Adults $25 (orchestra) / $20 (balcony); Students/Seniors $18.50; Children (12 & under) $10; Groups of 10 or more: 20% off; Lecture Series $5 (free to subscribers). Concert tickets can be purchased in advance by calling the QSO office at 718-326-4455, ext. 20.


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70-31 84th Street, Bldg. 38      Glendale, NY  11385

                                           (718) 326-4455       (718) 326-4499 fax

qso@queenssymphony.org      www.queenssymphony.org



  Lynda Herndon                                   David Katz                                  Constantine Kitsopoulos               Herbert M. Chain