方秀蓉/Patsy Fang Chen,

175 Willoughby Street, #2A Brooklyn, New York 11201-5447

Tel. 718-834-8904  or 917-912-8288 E-mail: patsychen@aol.com




皇后交響樂團 新聞兩則



1/24/09皇后交響樂團 甄試男童女高音



皇后區唯一之職業交響樂團-皇后交響樂團 (Queens Symphony Orchestra) 將於一月二十四日 (周六 )早上10 時起甄試男童女高音 (Boy Soprano), 錄取者將於五月九日假皇后社區學院藝術表演中心與皇后交響樂團演奏美國作曲家伯恩斯坦的合唱交響曲 齊徹斯特詩篇  (Leonard Berstein’s Chicester Psalms) “ 擔任獨唱.


訊問請洽:皇后交響樂團 718-326-4455

www.queenssymphony.org,或亞裔理事方秀蓉 718-834-8904



皇后交響樂團青少年協奏曲比賽 -2/9/09以前報名

(Queens Symphony Orchestra Young Soloist Competition

皇后交響樂團青少年協奏曲比賽 (Queens Symphony Orchestra Young Soloist Competition)公開徵求青年組和少年組樂器獨奏家參賽.

每組各錄取三名, 獎品如下

青年組(18-22 ):  

第一名: 與樂團於其訂期音樂會 (Masterworks Concert) 演出協奏曲全首, 及獎金一千元

第二名: 與樂團於其青少年音樂會 (Young People’s Concert) 演出協奏曲一個樂章及獎金七百五十元

第三名: 獎金五百元


第一名: 與樂團演出協奏曲一個樂章 於其青少年音樂會 (Young People’s Concert), 或夏季公園音樂會 (Summer Parks Concert).及獎金七百五十元

第二名: 於該樂團之活動演出, 及獎金五百元

第三名: 獎金三百元

有意者請洽皇后交響樂團,並於 二月九日以前完成報名手續 . 初賽 與複賽將於五月二十六日至五月二十九日進行, 決賽訂在五月三十一日下午四時假法拉盛台灣會館(Taiwan Center)公開舉行, 評審委員包括: 該樂團音樂總監康斯坦丁. 柯蘇普樂斯(Constantine Kitsopoulos), IMG Artists藝術經紀公司資深經紀人 夏洛蒂. (Charlotte Lee) 等音樂界權威人士.


訊問請洽:皇后交響樂團 718-326-4455 

www.queenssymphony.org 或亞裔理事方秀蓉718-834-8904






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Kate Oberjat

718-326-4455, ext. 19                                                                                                                

Marketing & Communications Manager                                                                       koberjat@queenssymphony.org



Constantine Kitsopoulos, Music Director


F O R     I M M E D I A T E    R E L E A S E


Queens Symphony Orchestra

announces our


Borough-wide Boy Soprano Soloist Search


Saturday, January 24, 2009 – 10:00 am


QSO is searching for young local talent here in Queens

to perform in our Spring Masterworks Concert!!



Queens Symphony Orchestra is excited to announce that we will be holding a borough-wide search for a talented boy soprano to perform the solo vocal parts in the choral work Chichester Psalms by Leonard Bernstein. This performance will take place Saturday, May 9, 2009 at 7:30 pm as part of the completion of our Masterworks Concert Series Bernstein & Friends in a concert entitled Spiritual Journey. The chosen soloist will perform alongside a combined choir of high school students from schools throughout the borough and the Queens Symphony Orchestra.  This is truly an opportunity to discover and celebrate the amazingly gifted youth we have in our own backyard.


QSO will be reaching out to public and private schools, television, radio, websites, magazines and newspapers throughout the borough to help spread the message to local youth that we are holding auditions for this incredible opportunity to perform with the only professional orchestra in the borough, under the baton of Music Director Constantine Kitsopoulos. The auditions will take place Saturday, January 24, 2009 starting at 10 am. Interested individuals should refer to our website, www.queenssymphony.org, for audition requirements, listening suggestions, registration instructions and further details. They can also call the QSO Office at 718-326-4455.




Please include this information in your listings and audition announcements. QSO can’t reach the community successfully without your help! If you have any questions regarding this exciting borough-wide search, please feel free to contact Kate Oberjat via email (koberjat@queenssymphony.org) or phone (718-326-4455, ext. 19) at your convenience. Thank You!



                 70-31 84th Street, Bldg. 38       Glendale, NY  11385

                                    (718) 326-4455      (718) 326-4499 fax

qso@queenssymphony.org      www.queenssymphony.org



Lynda Herndon                                   David Katz                           Constantine Kitsopoulos               Herbert M. Chain

Executive Director                            Founder (1924-1987)                               Music Director




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Kate Oberjat                                                                                                                                                                     718-326-4455, ext. 19 

Marketing & Communications Manager                                                                                                        koberjat@queenssymphony.org



Constantine Kitsopoulos, Music Director


F O R     I M M E D I A T E    R E L E A S E


Queens Symphony Orchestra

Announces the return of our


Young Soloist Competition


Final Round Sunday, May 31, 2009 – 4:00 pm

Taiwan Cultural Center, Flushing


Competition offers young local talent the opportunity to win cash prizes

and perform with a professional orchestra!!



Queens Symphony Orchestra is excited to announce that after a nearly 10 year hiatus, we are reinstating our prestigious Young Soloist Competition. The final round of this competition will be held as a public recital at the Taiwan Cultural Center in Flushing on May 31, 2009 at 4 pm, after which the winners will be announced. In addition to cash prizes, the first and second place winners of both the senior and junior divisions will be invited to perform with QSO during the 2009-2010 season. The judges will include Charlotte Lee, manager with IMG Artists and Constantine Kitsopoulos, QSO Music Director. This is truly an opportunity for our gifted youth to be heard by leading members of the industry and perform with the only professional orchestra in the borough of Queens!


Interested students will be required to submit an application, available for download on the QSO website, www.queenssymphony.org, by the due date of Feb. 6, 2009. Preliminary and semifinal rounds will take place May 26 through May 30, 2009. Interested individuals should refer to the website for audition requirements, registration instructions and further details. They can also call the QSO Office at 718-326-4455.



Please include this information in your listings and audition announcements. QSO can’t reach these students successfully without your help! If you have any questions regarding this competition, please feel free to contact Kate Oberjat via email (koberjat@queenssymphony.org) or phone (718-326-4455, ext. 19) at your convenience. Thank You!




                 70-31 84th Street, Bldg. 38       Glendale, NY  11385

                                    (718) 326-4455      (718) 326-4499 fax

qso@queenssymphony.org      www.queenssymphony.org



Lynda Herndon                                   David Katz                           Constantine Kitsopoulos               Herbert M. Chain

Executive Director                            Founder (1924-1987)                               Music Director                           Board President